The department offers students the technical study in branch of the electric drives and their components. These disciplines are completed by other courses which extend the electrical engineer’s basic knowledge. They include cybernetic, electrical energy production, distribution and application, mechanical parts and systems and computer use in the electrical engineering. Students gain basic knowledge in the field of dependent and independent traction.
After the finishing of the basic compulsory part of study, students can focus their study on electric machines, switching and protecting apparatuses, electric drives and power electronic. Acquired knowledge is extended by optional courses according to the student’s professional specialization. The department recommends the optional courses from the selection which is offered to all students of the faculty. This selection is adjusted to each specialization. Study includes also the control systems and their components as well as the power converters.
Our department ensures also the branch of study in the doctoral study Electric machines, apparatus and drives in which the electrical engineers, absolvents of our faculty of another faculties can extend their knowledge form the theory and methodic of scientific work. Study at our department enables them to participate on the problems solution in theory, design, testing and operation of high-current devices.
Our scientific work is focused on controlled electric drives and their components including the control part. The development is concentrated especially into:
The scientific is supported also by grants of NATO, GAČR (Grant Agency of Czech Republic) and by cooperation with important producers as ŠKODA Plzeň a.s., ŠKODA Auto a.s., PAL Kbely a.s., Elektropřístroj Modřany s.r.o. and others.
The absolvents of the branch Electric machines, apparatus and drives find their use e.g. as control, research or operational workers in the field of design, testing, control and operation of electric drives and their components, as well as in many domains, e.g. computer technology. For these activities, the copious knowledge of the use of this technology work in their favor.